How can we help a tired and jaded brand relaunch itself given the new youth vibes and dynamics?


Two legacy and jaded brands come together to create a fresh, connected, and inspiring brand for Indian youth

Hybrid Qualitative
Brand Proposition

Our Framework

Searching for the brand value proposition, we decided to move away from the classic frameworks like key/ peanuts/ pyramids that create structure and logic but fail to focus on stories - our value proposition framework BRAND LEAP focuses on keeping ‘creativity’ at the centre and aims for ‘brand potential’ rather than static one time view

What was new/ different

  • To explore what does living means to Indians, we went hybrid - we did photo-diaries, life-vlogs, people interactions at their common hangouts and focus-groups for validation

Why was it actionable


Helped the brand refresh its claims for an extended stay in the market

Client Speak:


Insights Lead We loved the way research was able to move from insights to storytelling that helped creative expression of the brand.

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